Depuis plusieurs mois, des centaines de réfugiés errent dans la capitale faute de structure d'accueil. Regroupés pour la plupart dans des campements fait de tentes comme celui du canal Saint Martin à Jaurès ou encore celui de l'avenue de la Porte des Poissonniers, ils subissent la vague de froid et ses temperatures negatives ainsi que la neige qui tombe ces jours-ci. Alors que le gouvernement à lancer le dispositif d'urgence d'hébergement, les réfugiés semblent oubliés et aucune solution n'est envisagé. Quelques associations citoyennes essayent de palier aux manquements de l'Etat en apportant de la nourriture et des vêtements.
 Immaculate tents of white by the falling snow. The humanitarian center being complete, people are forced to sleep in the street. February 8, 2018. Paris. France.
Des tentes immacul
Immaculate tents of white by the falling snow. The humanitarian center being complete, people are forced to sleep in the street. February 8, 2018. Paris. France.
Des tentes immacul

 Under the eyes of the barges, refugees set up a camp on the banks of the Canal Saint-Martin. They spend the night under the tent despite the negative temperatures. February 7, 2018. Paris. France.
Sous les yeux des p
Under the eyes of the barges, refugees set up a camp on the banks of the Canal Saint-Martin. They spend the night under the tent despite the negative temperatures. February 7, 2018. Paris. France.
Sous les yeux des p

 A group of refugees are warming themselves near a fire on the banks of the canal St Martin. In the streets of the capital, migrants often of Guinean, Eritrean, Pakistani and Afghan origin spend time in the cold. February 7, 2018. Paris.  France.
Un groupe de refugi
A group of refugees are warming themselves near a fire on the banks of the canal St Martin. In the streets of the capital, migrants often of Guinean, Eritrean, Pakistani and Afghan origin spend time in the cold. February 7, 2018. Paris. France.
Un groupe de refugi

 A refugee comes out of the refugee camp of La Chapelle while the snow begins to fall. During the day, temperatures did not exceed 2
A refugee comes out of the refugee camp of La Chapelle while the snow begins to fall. During the day, temperatures did not exceed 2

 Two men try to make their tents more airtight to protect themselves from the cold and the snow. February 8, 2018. Paris. France.
Deux hommes tentent de rendre leurs tentes plus herm
Two men try to make their tents more airtight to protect themselves from the cold and the snow. February 8, 2018. Paris. France.
Deux hommes tentent de rendre leurs tentes plus herm

 Refugees warm up near a fire. They eat croissants that a passer-by has just brought them. February 8, 2018. Paris.  France.
Des refugies se rechauffent pres d'un feu. Ils mangent des croissants q'un passant vient de leurs apporter. 8 fevrier 2018. Paris. France.
Refugees warm up near a fire. They eat croissants that a passer-by has just brought them. February 8, 2018. Paris. France.
Des refugies se rechauffent pres d'un feu. Ils mangent des croissants q'un passant vient de leurs apporter. 8 fevrier 2018. Paris. France.

 A young refugee is getting out of his tent while the temperatures are negative. February 8, 2018. Paris.  France.
Un jeune refugi
A young refugee is getting out of his tent while the temperatures are negative. February 8, 2018. Paris. France.
Un jeune refugi

 3 young Guineans just arrive at the door of the Chapel. They will learn a few seconds later that there is no place in the humanitarian center and they will have to spend the night outside. February 8, 2018. Paris.  France.
3 jeunes guin
3 young Guineans just arrive at the door of the Chapel. They will learn a few seconds later that there is no place in the humanitarian center and they will have to spend the night outside. February 8, 2018. Paris. France.
3 jeunes guin

 In the Porte de la Chapelle camp, the shoes left in front of the tents are covered with snow. February 8, 2018. Paris.  France.
Dans le campement Porte de la Chapelle, les chaussures laiss
In the Porte de la Chapelle camp, the shoes left in front of the tents are covered with snow. February 8, 2018. Paris. France.
Dans le campement Porte de la Chapelle, les chaussures laiss

 Crutch in hand, an Afghan refugee makes his way through the tents in the district of La Chapelle. In Germany, this Afghan was hit by a train and reportedly spent nearly 8 months in a coma. February 8, 2018. Paris. France.
Crutch in hand, an Afghan refugee makes his way through the tents in the district of La Chapelle. In Germany, this Afghan was hit by a train and reportedly spent nearly 8 months in a coma. February 8, 2018. Paris. France.

 Two refugees line up under the snow to get a place in the humanitarian center of Porte de la Chapelle. The two men are made repressed since respectively 5 and 7 days for lack of space. February 8, 2018. Paris. France.
Deux refugi
Two refugees line up under the snow to get a place in the humanitarian center of Porte de la Chapelle. The two men are made repressed since respectively 5 and 7 days for lack of space. February 8, 2018. Paris. France.
Deux refugi

 An Afghan refugee gives a jacket to a Guinean refugee. First time, the Guinean refugee does not have winter clothes. February 9, 2018. Paris. France.
Un r
An Afghan refugee gives a jacket to a Guinean refugee. First time, the Guinean refugee does not have winter clothes. February 9, 2018. Paris. France.
Un r

 A group of Afghan refugees is warming up near a fire under a tunnel or an informal camp has settled to address the lack of space in the humanitarian door of the chapel. February 8, 2018. Paris. France.
Un groupe de refugi
A group of Afghan refugees is warming up near a fire under a tunnel or an informal camp has settled to address the lack of space in the humanitarian door of the chapel. February 8, 2018. Paris. France.
Un groupe de refugi

 A group of Afghan refugees are walking under the tunnel that runs along the humanitarian center and leads to one of the fortunes encampments in the periphery of Porte de la Chapelle. February 8, 2018. Paris.  France.
Un groupe de refugi
A group of Afghan refugees are walking under the tunnel that runs along the humanitarian center and leads to one of the fortunes encampments in the periphery of Porte de la Chapelle. February 8, 2018. Paris. France.
Un groupe de refugi

 A man living in the neighborhood distributes coffee to refugees who camp under a bridge door of the Chapel. February 9, 2018. Paris. France.
Un homme habitant le quartier distribue du caf
A man living in the neighborhood distributes coffee to refugees who camp under a bridge door of the Chapel. February 9, 2018. Paris. France.
Un homme habitant le quartier distribue du caf

 Refugees wait in front of the buildings of France Terre d'asile. February 8, 2018. Paris. La France.
Des refugi
Refugees wait in front of the buildings of France Terre d'asile. February 8, 2018. Paris. La France.
Des refugi

 Tribute to the young Sudanese, Karim Ibrahim, died Thursday, March 8th. It was found close to the center of first reception and accommodation for migrants installed in November 2016 by the City of Paris and managed by Emmaus. March 11, 2018. Paris. France.
Hommage au jeune soudanais, Karim Ibrahim, decede jeudi 8 mars. Celui-ci
Tribute to the young Sudanese, Karim Ibrahim, died Thursday, March 8th. It was found close to the center of first reception and accommodation for migrants installed in November 2016 by the City of Paris and managed by Emmaus. March 11, 2018. Paris. France.
Hommage au jeune soudanais, Karim Ibrahim, decede jeudi 8 mars. Celui-ci

 A refugee takes in hand a flower on the occasion of the tribute to the young Sudanese, Karim Ibrahim, died Thursday, March 8th. It was found close to the center of first reception and accommodation for migrants installed in November 2016 by the City of Paris and managed by Emmaus. March 11, 2018. Paris.  France.
Un refugi
A refugee takes in hand a flower on the occasion of the tribute to the young Sudanese, Karim Ibrahim, died Thursday, March 8th. It was found close to the center of first reception and accommodation for migrants installed in November 2016 by the City of Paris and managed by Emmaus. March 11, 2018. Paris. France.
Un refugi

 The stonecutters of the association ‟Hearts of Stones and Solidarity‟ inscribe several messages in the stone whose name Karim. The performance takes place on the occasion of the tribute to the young Sudanese, Karim Ibrahim, who passed away on Thursday, March 8th. It was found close to the center of first reception and accommodation for migrants installed in November 2016 by the City of Paris and managed by Emmaus. March 11, 2018. Paris. France.
Les tailleurs de pierre de l'association ‟ Coeurs de Pierres et Solidaires‟ inscrivent plusieurs messages dans la pierre dont le prenom de Karim. La performance a lieu
The stonecutters of the association ‟Hearts of Stones and Solidarity‟ inscribe several messages in the stone whose name Karim. The performance takes place on the occasion of the tribute to the young Sudanese, Karim Ibrahim, who passed away on Thursday, March 8th. It was found close to the center of first reception and accommodation for migrants installed in November 2016 by the City of Paris and managed by Emmaus. March 11, 2018. Paris. France.
Les tailleurs de pierre de l'association ‟ Coeurs de Pierres et Solidaires‟ inscrivent plusieurs messages dans la pierre dont le prenom de Karim. La performance a lieu

 A man just woke up as the dismantling s team was alrelady cleaning the slum. Dismantling of the ‟millennium‟ camp. This is the 35th dismantling in Paris for 3 years. People must be taken to accommodation centers until their administrative situations are studied. May 30, 2018. Paris. France.
Un homme se reveille tout juste alors que les equipes de nettoyage etaient deja entrain de vider le camp. Demantelement  du camp du ‟millenaire‟. Il s'agit du 35eme demantelement a Paris depuis 3 ans. Les personnes doivent etre conduits vers des centres d'hebergement en attendant que leurs situations administratives soient etudiees. 30 mai 2018. Paris. France.
A man just woke up as the dismantling s team was alrelady cleaning the slum. Dismantling of the ‟millennium‟ camp. This is the 35th dismantling in Paris for 3 years. People must be taken to accommodation centers until their administrative situations are studied. May 30, 2018. Paris. France.
Un homme se reveille tout juste alors que les equipes de nettoyage etaient deja entrain de vider le camp. Demantelement du camp du ‟millenaire‟. Il s'agit du 35eme demantelement a Paris depuis 3 ans. Les personnes doivent etre conduits vers des centres d'hebergement en attendant que leurs situations administratives soient etudiees. 30 mai 2018. Paris. France.

 A man puts on his shoes leaving his tent in the morning of the dismantling of the ‟millennium‟ camp. This is the 35th dismantling in Paris for 3 years. People must be taken to accommodation centers until their administrative situations are studied. May 30, 2018. Paris. France. 
Un homme enfile ses chaussures en sortant de sa tente le matin du demantelement  du camp du ‟millenaire‟. Il s'agit du 35eme demantelement
A man puts on his shoes leaving his tent in the morning of the dismantling of the ‟millennium‟ camp. This is the 35th dismantling in Paris for 3 years. People must be taken to accommodation centers until their administrative situations are studied. May 30, 2018. Paris. France.
Un homme enfile ses chaussures en sortant de sa tente le matin du demantelement du camp du ‟millenaire‟. Il s'agit du 35eme demantelement

 The migrants, channeled by the police, join the buses in groups of ten during the dismantling of the ‟millennium‟ camp. This is the 35th dismantling in Paris for 3 years. People must be taken to accommodation centers until their administrative situations are studied. May 30, 2018. Paris. France.
Les migrants, canalises par les forces de l'ordre, rejoignent les bus par groupe de dix lors du demantelement  du camp du ‟millenaire‟. Il s'agit du 35eme demantelement a Paris depuis 3 ans. Les personnes doivent etre conduits vers des centres d'hebergement en attendant que leurs situations administratives soient etudiees. 30 mai 2018. Paris. France.
The migrants, channeled by the police, join the buses in groups of ten during the dismantling of the ‟millennium‟ camp. This is the 35th dismantling in Paris for 3 years. People must be taken to accommodation centers until their administrative situations are studied. May 30, 2018. Paris. France.
Les migrants, canalises par les forces de l'ordre, rejoignent les bus par groupe de dix lors du demantelement du camp du ‟millenaire‟. Il s'agit du 35eme demantelement a Paris depuis 3 ans. Les personnes doivent etre conduits vers des centres d'hebergement en attendant que leurs situations administratives soient etudiees. 30 mai 2018. Paris. France.

 Migrants and refugees board buses during the dismantling of the ‟millennium‟ camp. This is the 35th dismantling in Paris for 3 years. People must be taken to accommodation centers until their administrative situations are studied. May 30, 2018. Paris. France.
Les migrants et refugies montent dans les bus lors du d
Migrants and refugees board buses during the dismantling of the ‟millennium‟ camp. This is the 35th dismantling in Paris for 3 years. People must be taken to accommodation centers until their administrative situations are studied. May 30, 2018. Paris. France.
Les migrants et refugies montent dans les bus lors du d

 Distribution of food in the garden Anais Nin by the restaurants of the heart. Those who have been mandated by the mayor of Paris and the association Aurore to deal with food distributions. They are dissident in the evening and in the morning from Tuesday to Friday. Approximately 500 meals are distributed. August 17, 2018. Paris.  France.
Distribution de nourriture dans le jardin Anais Nin par les restos du coeur. Ceux qui ont
Distribution of food in the garden Anais Nin by the restaurants of the heart. Those who have been mandated by the mayor of Paris and the association Aurore to deal with food distributions. They are dissident in the evening and in the morning from Tuesday to Friday. Approximately 500 meals are distributed. August 17, 2018. Paris. France.
Distribution de nourriture dans le jardin Anais Nin par les restos du coeur. Ceux qui ont

 Three young Ethiopians eat a meal provided by Bassidi.17 August 2018. Paris. France.
Trois jeunes ethiopiens mangent un repas fourni par Bassidi.17 aout 2018. Paris. France.
Three young Ethiopians eat a meal provided by Bassidi.17 August 2018. Paris. France.
Trois jeunes ethiopiens mangent un repas fourni par Bassidi.17 aout 2018. Paris. France.

 Distribution of food in the garden Anais Nin by Bassidi of the association ‟boudoudebougoumoufede‟. He is one of those citizens who choose to provide daily food for refugees and migrants. Approximately 500 meals are distributed. August 17, 2018. Paris.  France.
Distribution de nourriture dans le jardin Anais Nin par Bassidi de l'association ‟boudoudebougoumoufede‟. Il fait parti de ces citoyens qui choisissent de fournir quotidiennement de la nourriture aux personnes refugies et migrants. Environ 500 repas sont distribu
Distribution of food in the garden Anais Nin by Bassidi of the association ‟boudoudebougoumoufede‟. He is one of those citizens who choose to provide daily food for refugees and migrants. Approximately 500 meals are distributed. August 17, 2018. Paris. France.
Distribution de nourriture dans le jardin Anais Nin par Bassidi de l'association ‟boudoudebougoumoufede‟. Il fait parti de ces citoyens qui choisissent de fournir quotidiennement de la nourriture aux personnes refugies et migrants. Environ 500 repas sont distribu

 Several migrants sleep in the middle of rats in the park Avenue President Wilson in Saint Denis August 17, 2018. Saint Denis. France.
Plusieurs migrants dorment au milieu des rats dans le parc de l'avenue du president Wilson
Several migrants sleep in the middle of rats in the park Avenue President Wilson in Saint Denis August 17, 2018. Saint Denis. France.
Plusieurs migrants dorment au milieu des rats dans le parc de l'avenue du president Wilson